Sunday, June 16, 2019

Flake Fun

These last several weeks have been just awesome.  The awesome-ness started with a very surprising visit from Mom, Becca, Ruth and Elise!  We had a bunch of fun together and they pampered and took care of me in royal fashion.  A great big thanks to them for all of their help with organizing the plethora of gifts from the baby shower.  I am now sorting through things a little bit at a time and it isn't quite as overwhelming. 

We had an ultrasound last week and currently both babies are head down which is awesome!  Hopefully they both will stay that way.  I feel like they have so far.  They are both growing and developing like they should;  Baby Boy is 4 lb 9 oz and Baby Girl is 4 lb 5 oz.  We even got to see little boy "breathing" which the ultrasound tech said he doesn't see very often.

The weather is finally turning to summer and we (Scott) have gotten nearly everything planted that we were hoping to.  Just a few things remaining. That is all that I can think of right now so here are a few pics for you!

Me at 33 weeks

I kept getting surprised all day! 

It was so fun to spend time with them! 

Can you see the tiny little bunny?  

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