Monday, April 1, 2019

Flake Fun

These last couple of weeks have been pretty great.  It was awesome to be able to get together with the Hart and Manning crews a couple of weeks ago.  Great folks and good times. 

The weather has decided to act like spring now which is really nice.  About 5 days ago my allergies kicked into high gear.  I think it is due to the cottonwoods blooming but I think that they are under control now.

The highlight of this past week was getting our 22 week ultrasound. It was fun to have Dona present in the office and Mom & Dad present via video chat.  Both babies are healthy and growing.  We will upload pics soon.  Little Boy is quite the active kid and Little Girl is quite a bit more subtle most of the time. 

We have sprouts coming up in the greenhouse which is always tons of fun.  We also noticed that our lily bulbs are popping up and we have about 6 that have bloomed! 

Well, that is about all that we have to report.  Hope that you all have a great week! 

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