Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hyde Park Heat

Wow! It's getting warm fast! It takes a while for my body to acclimatize to the change in weather. I've been waking up so hot at night this week feeling like I was smothering - even with the windows open. Not fun. But it is delightful during the day, seeing the sunshine and enjoying weeding and planting and playing outside.

I was feeling a little guilty about not posting on the blog for the past couple of Sundays, but finally getting back on today, I see that everyone has been a little too busy to be on the blog! I hope things calm down for everyone because I really, really enjoy reading the updates and seeing the photos!

It was very nice to talk with Jenn yesterday while she was at the airport in L.A., waiting for their flight to Arizona. She said they had a wonderful trip and that we'd get to hear all about it. She said they'd probably be sleeping all day today, so we may have to wait until next week to hear all about it.

Dad, Emma, Thomas, Victoria and I had a very fun time in Idaho on Memorial Day. We enjoyed a luscious dinner at the Nilssons, with visiting and games on Sunday.  Dad and I went with Elise to take pictures of old buildings and places of interest in Idaho Falls early Monday morning. I was especially thrilled with the tribute to veterans at a memorial park where 1,000 flags were flying in honor of those who have served in the military. It was quite touching. Then we went to see some homes the Harts are looking at purchasing for themselves (which will please Ruth who has been concerned about them buying lots of sleeper houses for other people, but not a home with some land for their own family!).  They have a hard decision to make since both homes are very nice, in lovely locations, but each with pros and cons...

Emma is out of school, but busier than ever. Yesterday she had to be at the school at 7:30 for a Rookie Day for new band members. She was selected the clarinet section leader and the woodwind captain for the band. She had to give a speech at Rookie Day, run home during a short lunch break and change to speak at a baptism, then run back to the school, stay after the training was over to help a fellow clarinet player learn a solo piece to audition with, then I picked her up from the school at 5:30 to go to a YSA stake dinner and devotional in Clarkston. Whew! And she'll start that kind of schedule again in the morning when Basics Camp starts for the next week. Hope she survives!

We attended the recital Nick had for some of his guitar students. They all did an incredible job and it was fun to listen to them. He's obviously a great teacher!

We went to the funeral of Joann McKenna on Friday. What a delightful lady she was, always so positive and cheerful. Her advice to her family before her death was to be happy. "Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy regardless of your circumstances." She told them to love each other and be kind. Her family was a great representation of gospel living. I was truly inspired to do better and to find things to delight in each day.


  1. Thanks for being an example of happiness and gospel living! Good to have you back on the blog. Now we need to get on it!

  2. Thanks for being an example of happiness and gospel living! Good to have you back on the blog. Now we need to get on it!
