Monday, June 20, 2016

Flake Fun?

20 June 2016 - I'm sorry that I didn't post yesterday.  Every day since Wednesday I have been pulling 12-14 hour days working at the Emergency Operations Center on the Cedar Creek fire that is burning just outside of Show Low. Scott was also in the EOC Friday - Sunday. I am headed back today for another 12 hour shift and just wanted to take a second to say hi. 

The weather turned really hot and I believe that we hit 99 a couple of times in the last few days.  The garden is doing really well despite the heat.  I can't think of anything else that happened this week...

Love you all.  Hope everyone had a great Father's Day!


  1. We are praying that the fire will be contained and that you'll get some rest! Be careful, Jenn - and Scott!

  2. What did you do at the EOC?

  3. What did you do at the EOC?
