Sunday, June 26, 2016

Flake Fun

26 June 2016 - This week went by in a blur with most of my time being spent at the Emergency Operations Center.  By Thursday night the fire was 42% contained and by Friday night it was 51% and the pre-evacuation notice had been lifted from almost all areas.  There are still 2 little towns on the reservation that are under a pre-evacuation warning, this time for flooding. I was able to take this whole weekend off and I'm still trying to get caught up on my sleep! 

On Friday we worked a little bit on the plumbing in our Lovelake house.  Scott's cousin TJ came over and helped us.  We made some good headway.  On Saturday we did some electrical stuff and took out the basement stairs.  Pretty soon we will be to the point that we can start putting things together instead of ripping them all apart!

The weather has been very hot these last couple of weeks which makes it hard to sleep very soundly but the monsoons should come soon and that will cool things down. 
Our garden is doing quite well.  The flowers that we planted from seed don't seem to want to sprout which is sad but I would stay in the cool ground too if I had a choice between that and the scorching sun!  We had to rig up a pallet contraption to keep the cows from eating our corn.  Hopefully it will work. 

Anyway, that is about all of the news from Arizona.  Hope things are going well for everyone and that you are staying cool and having a great summer.  We are so excited for the family gathering!!!!

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