I haven't posted for a couple of weeks and I'm that time a lot has happened. We enjoyed a couple of trips to Logan where we got to meet baby Wesley and hang out at the Summerfest with the Mannings. People are so talented and it is so fun to see all their creativity. We went down to take Emma home after she helped us spruce up our new vacation rental. She was an indespensible trooper! She and mom surprised us and came up to help clean and freshen things. Ruth also brought her troops over and with their help we were able to whip the Walnut Cottage into shape. We would have been lost without them. THANK YOU!
We returned Emma in time for her parade which was fun to watch with Thomas and the boys. Dad looked great driving the beastly truck the pulled the princess's float.
The boys are loving their gardening class, playing with friends and cousins, and yard sale-ing with mom.
They worked really hard to complete their school by the first official day of summer and as a reward we enjoyed a trip down to the aquarium in Draper. It was soooo fun! At the end we tacked on a visit to Becca who was staying at Grandma's house. We met Donald, the little duck that Emma rescued out of a window well. It was a great little getaway.
We had to dash home to work on our little vacation rental we just acquired. We had a lovely Italian family staying there for the past week and when they left we had some other projects we needed to finalize. It's turning out so cute!
We are gearing up for the humongous 4th of July celebration in a week. That is always fun. We're excited to initiate the Nilsson family into this great, local tradition.
Glad Jenn and Scott made it home safe and sound. The kids loved the postcards they got and can't wait to hear more about the adventures!