Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello all! First of all, so sorry about your friend moving Jenn :( that is so not fun. But I’m glad the Lord does work in mysterious ways and I hope you can find some more good friends (YOUR friends) in Snowflake. It is very difficult to live somewhere and be unhappy about it. I’m very sorry :(

I haven’t written on the blog for awhile now! We’ve had lots of fun things going on and it’s just about to get more busy. I really love this time of year, but I do wish the weather would stable out as far as temperature goes… this week it’s supposed to be high 50s to low 60s… a little chilly after enjoying some nice 70s. One of these days it’ll figure itself out! 

Stetson has decided that naps are not his thing and it just about drives me out of my wits and makes me feel like a crazy person. He screams and screams when I try to put him down for a nap so generally I just give up and lose my sanity for the rest of the day. He will only nap on the go… and that’s hit and miss. And often enough I don’t want to always be on the go 😂 he also decided it was morning time at 2:30am yesterday and didn’t go back to sleep until 5. And refused his first nap this morning. Cam and I are running on fumes. 

We’ve had so much fun being able to see some of you lately! It’s been great to catch up and chat with you. Wesley’s baptism was a great spot for that, as well as Camille’s wedding. We missed you Yanny and Jenn! 

Cam is a champion and encouraged me to do Camille’s cake and was my ultimate hype man when we finally put it all together. It was a success and Hana was able to enjoy at least the cake part as it was dairy free. 

Anyway. Love you all. Can’t wait to see you in a month or so for Thomas’s play! It will be a blast. 

The best cousins: always at Stetsons beck and call

at the Health Days parade to see Uncle T

Speaking of uncle T…

Stetson and his friend Emma

Stetson always insists on trying the lemons when I cut them

One of my favorite pictures of late 

The cake looked lovely thanks to Ruth and Elise 

Have a happy week everyone!

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