Sunday, May 5, 2024

Flake Fun

I have been thinking a bit lately about the way things work out.   Just over a year ago I was really struggling with being in Snowflake.  I was quite unhappy and couldn't seem to get myself out of that rut.  So I had a frank conversation with God about what I was feeling.  That week, at the park I met Esther.  We had similar backgrounds (homeschooled, mission, married to accountants, etc.) And we hit it off.  She was MY friend with no other connections and it made me feel like, yes, I can survive in Snowflake.   We made homeschooling plans, chatted about life and did park play dates.  Fast forward to February. We met up at library storytime and she dropped the bombshell that they are moving to Sweden.  It slightly rocked my world.  But I realized that because of our meeting I have come to appreciate Snowflake and she got me through the last year.  The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Anyway, she is moving on Friday so I'm a bit down about that.  Here are some cute pics. 

James face planted into the stairs and did a doozy on his front teeth.

Leaning literal ropes with Uncle Bruce.

Our new Champion Juicer thanks to Esther

James was thrilled to finally be a twin.

Robin and Rand have taken a greater interest in reading lately.

In the "sloth tree".  The branch is low enough that they can hang on it like sloths.

Love you all!

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