Sunday, November 26, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello all! It was so so fun to see you all (minus the Manning’s) this week! Mannings, you were greatly missed and we hope you are all feeling much better :) it’s always a pleasure to spend time together and just laugh the day away. Cam is always impressed with how much we can talk 😅 

Just wanted to get on and say how much I love all of you! As I’ve gotten a little older and seen a few different family dynamics, I’ve really grown to appreciate ours! The total lack of pettiness and arguing is so awesome and unfortunately pretty rare these days. I always look forward to spending time with you guys and am always sad when it’s over. We have a pretty special crew and I’m grateful to be apart of it. Thanks for being awesome parents so I can learn and imitate you! I’m seriously in awe of all of you and your parenting. Thanks again for everything! Love y’all and can’t wait for the next time!

Our Christmas setup!! It’s a fake tree this year… I feel like I’ve betrayed years of tradition…

Stetson approved 👍🏼


Driving grandpas car

Glad we got to go to the temple in Utah! Ours is closed until March 😭

Best buds

Cousins that take off socks together stay together 

Can’t wait for Jane to join and make this a threesome 

That’s a plum folks… a plum!

The classic 😬 face

More best buds 

Bonus material: where can Scott sleep? The answer: anywhere/anytime. I didn’t understand how someone could just sleep anywhere… until I had a kid who doesn’t sleep ever. Now I understand all too well 😅

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