Well, this holiday season didn't start quite like we wanted but we grew closer together amidst the vomit. This stomach bug was a doosy. I will spare you the details. The kids haven't gotten it and we hope it stays that way. They can stick with their colds which have been hanging around for a while. Some of the more pleasant things have been: having Thanksgiving with the Mannings, getting a Christmas tree, moving our shed, cutting down our giant tree, tearing down our fence and flagpole, and much more.
A little more detail needs to be given concerning the above mentioned Christmas tree. I missed the day to get the forest service permits that cover the Heber area. We have gotten two trees from that area and it was super fun. This year I blew it so I looked at BLM permits and was skeptical of the area it said we were allowed to cut. They also didn't specify a type of tree so I imagined that they figured we could take whatever we could find! I imagined a field of sagebrush. Well, Nick went with the big boys to scout it out. They came back with a tree alright. It kind of looks like a really big sagebrush! Anyway, the story is that they started hiking out into an area and Chet started to complain. And whine. Then it started to hail. So they cut a tree down and brought it home! I don't know what kind it is but it looks kind of wind swept and wild. It is pokey too. So, sometimes a fake tree might be better Emma.
The house plans continue. We still haven't got a building permit but we are hoping for the best. Last week we had lots of people come out to look at the site before giving us bids. It was kind of weird because of few of them just scoped things out without knocking on the door. So one day a guy was just looking through our windows and Nick hadn't told me the window guy was coming. Another time a guy just came and put a ladder up and climbed onto our roof.
We sure missed seeing you all at Thanksgiving. I hope to see you soon!