Sunday, May 15, 2022

Manning Moments

 Well life has been pretty good and very loud and energetic as usual.

Gus is a mover. He may just stick with crawling forever because he is so blasted fast and will get into everything. It is impossible to work outside with him because he is right in the dirt eating it and digging like a dog. He also loves the attention he gets when he screams at the dinner table. We love this little crazy one.

Chet and Wesley both decided to have their own garden space which basically means they took over the whole garden. They both wanted to try pumpkin and wheat. When we went to the greenhouse, we couldn't decide on one pumpkin so we came home with three. So we will have a pumpkin garden and their wheat is coming up. Hopefully something will produce since I don't know how to do either.

We tried to finish off the school year with vigor but that didn't really happen since February or so! But they are still learning and Wesley has really gotten into piano which is very fun. Mom and Dad came down yesterday for a little school show and tell which is always an adventure but we had a good time.

Nick has been so busy lately. He helped the tennis team which was very busy in April and May. He teaches guitar, has high council stuff and he is going to front sight as much as possible because they may shut down. He is also being moved to Orem high next year. American Heritage has been a dream seminary teaching job and we will miss being there.

After Nick spent five weeks trying to get an appointment with the board of adjustments to figure out our house, we learned there isn't a board of adjustments. It just kind of dissolved and maybe he can talk with them if they come back together. There's good government for you! In the meantime we will be grateful for our little house and our mortgage payment!

We hope you are well and can't wait to see you!

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