Sunday, May 15, 2022

Flake Fun

 Things in Snowflake are starting to warm up but gratefully they cool off in the evening.  We have nearly everything planted in our garden that we are going to plant. I'm hoping to find some cantaloupe, watermelon and peppers but haven't seen any yet. We have potatoes and onions coming up and our tomatoes are looking like they may survive. 

 The wind is starting to settle down which is nice. There is a week of wind in the forecast but there are a handful of nice days before and after. 

The kids get bigger and smarter every day. I am constantly amazed with the infrmation processing that Rand and Robin do all of the time.  It is fascinating.  

We went to a place called Bearizona on Friday.  It was a lot of fun.  It is a drive through wildlife park with a walk through portion.  The kids enjoyed hanging out the car windows to see bison, reindeer, big horn sheep and mountain goats.   The bears and wolves were viewed behind rolled up windows!  They also got to see a skunk, raccoon and porcupine up close in an animal encounter show as well as feeding fish to the otters.  It was a really fun day. 

Peter Quill the porcupine

When it is too windy to go outside, the kids make their own fun.  Yes, that is flour...

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