Sunday, December 12, 2021

Flake Fun

 The past month has been fairly decent.

As all of you know, James is now walking and I am having a hard time keeping up with him.  He and Rand like to play together sometimes and I have to remind both of them to be soft and gentle; Rand because he likes to wrestle and rough house and James because he has quite a grip and can really do damage when he latches on to a body part (usually the face). 

I was asked to substitute piano today in primary. It went well until about 15 minutes into singing time when I heard Robin wailing from nursery.  I waited but they didn't bring her so I motioned to Dona and she went, picked her up and brought her to me. So, nursery is still not going well, to say the least. 

We had the ward Christmas party breakfast as well as the Bailey family Christmas party yesterday so I am pretty beat but here are some pictures since a picture is worth a thousand words. 

There is a reason that these plants are struggling but he loves sitting among the pots and digging. 

Doing the dishes is fun to do...
"I'm making Daddy some zucchini"

He spent most of our tree decorating dancing to Christmas music

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