Sunday, November 14, 2021

Flake Fun

 The last several weeks have been doozies to be honest.  We did enjoy a visit to Smithfield and seeing some of you wonderful people! The kids particularly enjoyed Grandpa's swing!  

As soon as we got home the kids came down with a stomach bug which was quite the adventure. I went 5 days before having a vomit free day. (I am sure that some of you are thinking "5 days is nothing!" but it was exhausting).  

All 3 kids are teething which comes with hair trigger emotions but we are getting through it.

Robin has been struggling with aggression and wild emotions and the last several days have put together a very sad and heartbreaking puzzle for me. Last Sunday was our week to teach Sunday School. I have had conversations with the nursery teachers about not letting the kids cry for more than a few minutes before they bring them to us.  I thought perhaps that it would be easier for Scott to take the twins to nursery and I would take James straight to class. Scott came in after a few minutes and said that Robin was pretty sad. I reassured myself that the leaders would bring her if she was sad for more than a few minutes. To make a long story short, there were 2 substitute teachers in nursery, one that Robin is afraid of, and that substitute had walked the halls with her for the duration of nursery. Needless to say, she went to Relief Society with me today and it could be 2022 before she will go back of her own choice. 

We went to the Mesa temple open house on Friday and it was a good experience.  The kids really loved the reflection pool on the grounds.  

Well, I'm heading for bed. See you all next week!!!

I knew that they were not feeling well when they climbed on the couch and zonked for 90 minutes less then 2 hours after they woke up.

Carving pumpkins with Daddy 

Victory! A successful table climb

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