Sunday, October 17, 2021

Manning Males and Mom

 I need help with our title. Lots of M's.

We have had an interesting week. School has been very fun and the boys are learning lots of great things. We got supplies to make rockets and that has been a blast, literally. We have to balance everything out and it usually goes something like: 10 min. reading, writing or math, 30 min. running around, jumping or punching. repeat. 

The boys had fevers this week and it caused Chet to have a night terror which was terrifying. I don't think I've recovered from that! They also started a Parkour class and it is hilarious to watch but they love it. They try to climb our walls and everything. 

Unlike many of you, we have enjoyed nice weather but it is getting colder. I really like the heat:)

There isn't a whole lot to report but all is well.

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