Sunday, October 17, 2021

Flake Fun

 James is making great strides these days and loves to walk most of the time.  He gets downright angry when he falls and can't see any reason that he can't do everything that the big kids can. 

On Wednesday Rand fell and hit his face on the corner of the speaker under the computer table. Withing 60 seconds his cheek was bruised and the blood finally stopped after he ate a frozen GoGurt. He had a fat lip and cheek for a few days but now his little face is back to normal except for the nasty yellow bruise that is lingering.

Robin has recently started a new comedy routine that keeps us chuckling. She'll pucker her lips up, furrow her brow and then start to talk about whatever is on her mind: "Mommy has jammies on?" "Daddy likes broccoli?" It is hilarious and so spontaneous that we haven't gotten it on video yet. 

Hope that you all have a great week. Love you all!

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