Sunday, September 19, 2021

Hyde Hilarities

 Hey y'all! sorry it's been awhile since I wrote, but there wasn't much change happening until recently....

School has gotten more busy for Cam which is... not fun.  He also starts a new job tomorrow with a custom carpenter guy out of River Heights, which is totally awesome and fun.  So we're both pretty excited about that!

The biggest happening happened on Thursday.  We woke up and saw that Amy, Cam's aunt, had posted about some puppies.  Amy is a dog breeder.  She breeds Cavalier's and Cavapoo's (Cavalier/Poodle), as far as I know.  She sells them mainly so other people can also breed them.  Anyway, she had a litter of 5 Cavapoos and everything was fine and dandy, until she noticed that some of the puppies would run into things and trip up pretty good.  She took them to the vet and turns out, they have cataracts.  What does that mean? they're not breedable.  You can't breed any dog that has defects :/ She wasn't aware at the time that the mama dog she bred with had cataracts.  So, she wrote this long post about these sweet puppies that couldn't see and needed homes that would be nice to them.  These puppies are worth $4,000 so I mean, it was a pretty big let down for Amy, and for the people that had lined up to take them to breed.  There were a few comments from people who wanted them, but honestly not many.  We looked at it, and I just thought that's ridiculous, why would we get a puppy? but secretly I really wanted one.  Cam went to the gym and I couldn't stop thinking about it.  He called his dad on the way there, and his dad of all people said it would be a missed opportunity not to take one.  Which is interesting, considering he's a vet. He told Cam that cataracts really wouldn't be that bad, and if they were, dogs adapt and can figure out life pretty well.  So, Cam came home and we talked about it and I was like seriously?? you want one too? (I kept my cool though, I didn't want to get too excited too soon).  Cam texted Amy and asked if any were still available and she was shocked.  She thought we'd be the perfect candidates and told us absolutely, and we could have the favorite of the litter - a little red cavapoo with lots of personality and barely noticeable cataracts.  So that was awesome.  We dropped everything and went shopping to get a kennel and some dog bowls and a couple toys, and then drove to Kaysville to pick up the pooch.  My goodness she's a sweetie! when we got there, all four of her siblings were still there, and she was the rowdiest of all of them, but Amy assured us she was just showing off for us.  Anyway, she hardly has any problems with her eyes at all (she just can't breed because of the possibility that they'll develop further as she gets older), but her other siblings had some issues.  One little guy couldn't see hardly a thing and kept bumping into things.  It was kind of tragic but also adorable because he'd follow your voice really well and that's the best he could do.  ANYWAY.  Why did we get a dog? well, we wanted one and it was a "free" $4,000 puppy.  Does our landlord know? no.  Does he need to.... technically yes because he could kick us out for violation of contract, but we're going to have her registered as an Emotional Support Animal because ya know, I have some pretty intense uh.. um... oh yeah, anxiety.  That's the one ;) haha, mom doesn't think it's very honest, but if I didn't have anxiety 3 days ago, I do now lol.  But honestly, she's a super sweet puppy and is really really smart and has picked up on a lot of things already! Sorry that was so long, but people have been asking, so that's what I tell them.

What does she like? being outside! she loves it! We took her to see the Salmon run up in Porcupine and she whined the whole time she was held because she just wanted to explore and wander around.  We took her on about a mile hike (maybe a little more) yesterday, and she kept up and squirmed when we tried to hold her over rough areas.  She's a champ and we love her.

What does she hate? the wind.  The car.  Having to go back to bed when she wakes up at 2am to go out.  

She's a smart lil gal, and is already better potty trained than Chess, so don't you fear ;)

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