Sunday, September 30, 2018

North Logan Notes

Can it really be that I haven't posted in over a month? More like 7 weeks?! Sorry about that. No excuses other than being distracted and involved in lots of things - and busy Sundays. Anyway, all is well here.

We've enjoyed some very fun experiences in the past month. Dad was absolutely thrilled with the helicopter ride provided by Elise and Alex's friend - well worth retiring for! He'd retire all over again if he could ride that helicopter again! It is taking some getting used to, this whole retirement thing. Most of it is good, so far. Dad has some projects in mind, including reading the Journal of Discourses and working on improving his photography skills. We keep thinking of places we'd like to go and folks we'd like to visit, which may begin happening before too much longer.

We have enjoyed our trips to Idaho Falls and to American Fork to see family. We had a good time tending the Nilssons while Ruth and Garret and Millie went to Washington. They are a fun and busy crew! We were reminded why we have children when we are young ;) Dad took some family photos for the Mannings that are pretty cute. Little Chet has decided to catch up quickly with Wesley. He keeps growing like crazy! What a darling smile he has! A couple of days ago, we went to Thanksgiving Point to have dinner with Grandpa and Christi to celebrate their 4th anniversary. Grandpa is getting weaker, but he perked up at having the family together. If any of you have time to give him a call or get down to see him, I know he'd really appreciate it.

Dad and I both had birthdays this month. We did had some fun adventures on Dad's birthday - going to Porcupine to see the salmon run and driving over the hill into Huntsville and Liberty. It was bumpy, but very lovely.

The weather has been lovely as summer turns to fall. We had frost on our car one morning last week. It was strange to not have berries to pick this summer, but it is even more strange to not have apples to pick and eat and press this fall. We keep wondering if we should build a house, but then we'd have to wait a long time for apple and other fruit trees to mature....

Speaking of houses, we had a delightful time in Idaho Falls looking at lovely Parade of Homes entries with Elise and her boys and Ruth and Addy. We saw some gorgeous homes and some that were not as impressive to us. Most were much too big for us - 5,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. One or two we wouldn't mind living in. But we are still searching for the right home, the right place. We went to the Cache Valley Parade of Homes yesterday, but there were only 7 homes to look at and only 2 for sale. The best one was built by Braden Reeder, who started his contracting business about 10 years ago. he does really nice work and said he'd be glad to build us a home if we could find a lot. That's what they all say! :)   So... we continue looking!

I got to teach Gospel Principles today and, although I was very nervous, it was a great experience. The lessons are about simple, basic doctrines that we all need to review now and then. Afterwards, I spoke with the sister missionaries and they invited Dad and me to go with them tomorrow night to teach a couple who are interested in being baptized just as soon as they know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that President Nelson is a prophet. So, we will go tomorrow and offer to watch their sons so they can go to conference with the sisters. I'm pretty excited about that!

We've decided there are things for us to do here in this townhouse in North Logan, and we are going to focus on doing what we can while we keep looking and waiting to know our next step to take. It's an adventure all right!

Enjoy Conference!!

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