Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hart Happenings

Hey all!
  Congrats to Jenn and Nick on their new callings!  Your wards are so lucky!
  We are really getting going on our studies these days which has been fun interspersed with LOTS of soccer.  The weather has been quintessentially autumn up here which I love.  Brisk mornings and evenings but gorgeous and warm during the day.  But frosts and freezes are in the next couple days' forecasts so we are harvesting veggies, cutting herbs and flowers, and stockpiling pumpkins and squash.  So fun!
  Alex has been really busy with work and coaching soccer.  Things are great with both.  Peter loves having his dad for a coach and Alex has enjoyed it more than he thought he would, which is a relief to me who suggested he volunteer in the first place.  Whew!
  Ian is loving his band class at the middle school although he still hasn't played his instrument yet.  He is also enjoying the photography class he is taking at our homeschool co-op.
  Jack would play soccer every day if he could!  He has a wonderful team and some amazing coaches who are really great mentors to all those boys.  He is also really interested in Rube Goldberg chain reactions.  I think he and Scott should team up and create one.  I'll bet their fine minds could come up with something very cool!
  Peter wants to play with friends as often as possible.  He loves being with people and is a very sweet friend to everyone.  He is also working really hard on reading and his numbers.
  I'm just trying to keep everyone fed, in clean clothes, and at their various commitments and activities on time.  We are also preparing for the Primary Program this upcoming Sunday and that has been taking a lot of time.  It is going to be soooo good!  Best Sunday of the year.
  Hope all is well with you.  It was fun to have Mom and Dad up here to go to the Parade of Homes.  We saw some super lovely homes and I came back to my home with a bunch of ideas for improvements.  Lucky Alex.
  We're planning on being at Chet's blessing and hope to see some of you there!
  Happy Fall, y'all!

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