I am a super slacker when it comes to updating our life but it is never too late to repent! Eliza celebrated her first birthday on the 30th of January. I honestly think it is more of a celebration for the older siblings since Eliza didn't seem know what was going on. She probably thought all of us had gone crazy! I mean we were encouraging her to rip paper, push all the noisy buttons on her "cell phone," eat her cake, and we laughed when she threw it all over the floor, and she was never scolded for any of these! Mom and Emma were able to join us and they helped to decorate the house so cute. Emma did an awesome job at making the make and decorating it. I highly recommend her although her prices are a little steep. It was a fun day! It is hard to believe the our baby is walking all over and getting into everything. She knows how to hold her own especially against her big brother. She is still an adorable Gerber girl. Enjoy the pics of our 1 year old!
Opening the gifts
First tastes of cake
Her favorite spot
She is so adorable!