3 Feb. 2014 - On Saturday we woke up at 5:00AM to attend the annual Snowflake Groundhog Day Breakfast. The firefighters cook & serve the food (biscuits & gravy). On our way there it started to snow! Not a lick of moisture the whole month of January but we were grateful for the little dusting we got. The forcast has a little bit more rain in the next day or so. It didn't get warm so it was able to soak into the ground. I know it is cold & miserable but be grateful that you have snow to boost the moisture level. There is always something to be grateful for.
On this gratitute kick...yesterday in church a few memeber of a sweet, big family (9 children & counting) stood up to thank the ward & the Lord for His mercies. Their oldest son, 12 year-old Braden, was diagnosed with diabetes about 8 months ago after becoming very sick at scout camp. They were finally able to get his blood sugar under control and then, at the first of the year he became ill again. When the paramedics came to life flight him down to a hospital in Phoenix (the equivalent of Primary Children's I believe) the paramedic told the mother to kiss her son goodbye because they didn't think he would make it through the night. The father, Boone, testified that his son was on death's door multiple times as he held his son & blessed him with priesthood power. At one point Boone told the Lord that if it was his son's time to die, to let him die quickly so he wouldn't be in pain anymore. Miraculously Braden's life was spared. It was a very emotional and touching testimony meeting. Be grateful for every day that you have with your loved ones and don't forget that they are the most important. Activities, errands, "have to" things can take over our lives but are they the most important? Do the people who mean the most to us know it? Slow down, de-clutter your "life" and, as Dad always says, "take time to sit under an apple tree." Kiss your kids an extra time or two today. Hug someone a little longer today.
Love you all!