Sunday, October 6, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

 First of all Jenn, I agree. Where did September go?? I thought I’d posted not too long ago… turns out it’s been more than a month! Lots has happened this month, but I will try to keep it brief.

We’ve had lots of car troubles this month. At one point I genuinely (and I’m not kidding) thought to myself “a horse and buggy would be a better option than this. I wonder where we can get one.” So if anyone you know happens to be selling said horse and buggy, please send them my way. It really did complicate our lives (and our wallet) but luckily I think we’re done for now. 

Stetson has been enjoying the last days of summer. It’s still pretty warm here so we go outside lots and have had lots of fun playing in water and throwing rocks all over the place. Between sessions today, we went up to third dam and let Stetson just throw rocks for an hour into the river. I was laughing because Cam also threw rocks for an hour. I guess they never grow out of it πŸ˜‚ 

We had so much fun on a trip to Idaho to see the parade of homes and to celebrate mom’s birthday. We invited ourselves and then I invited everyone else… so thanks to Ruth and Elise for being good sports and being willing to host and entertain all the time. We love it and are looking forward to more visits :)

We attended the baptism of my sister in law, Emily, in Evanston WY a few weeks ago. She is awesome. She met my brother in law in Kentucky, married him, and followed him to Evanston to work and is an absolute angel. It was awesome to be at her baptism and get to know her a little better. 

We just got back from a week in Destin, Florida. It was pretty fun! And I’m so glad that we’re done traveling for the foreseeable future πŸ˜… I’m exhausted to say the least. Chasing a toddler all day while pregnant should be an Olympic sport, the gold medal going to the mama who can keep up and be pleasant all at the same time πŸ˜¬πŸ˜… but Destin was fun. We played at the beach most days. Cam played volleyball pretty much all day everyday and was in heaven. The sand was white, very very fine (so fine it squeaked!), and never got hot! It was rather strange. The water was warm and delightful except for the jellyfish that stung us. Rude. We saw dolphins, crabs, lots of fish, rays, and frogs. Very fun times. Stetson got spoiled rotten and I’m still recovering and trying to instill a little discipline back into our lives πŸ˜… 

On the way to Florida, Stetson LOVED the airplanes. He couldn’t get enough and fell asleep right after take off on both flights. On the way home…. Well it wasn’t quite the same but that’s okay! He did great at one point and we’re happy for thatπŸ˜‚

It’s been good. Conference was exceptional. I loved Elder Hales talk about “mortality works.” Sometimes I wonder about things and why they happen the way they do. But it’s comforting to know it will all be alright someday and we will understand. Love you all! Have a great week!

Celestial sleep during conference πŸ˜‚