Sunday, June 16, 2024

Flake Fun

First off, Happy Fathers day to all applicable parties.  You fellas amaze me. 

The last two weeks have been a wild ride! 

We had a small neighborhood bbq on Memorial Day.  The heart attack highlight was looking over and seeing James dangling from the monkey bars (approximately 7 ft high). He held on until I got there. 

Scott had his 42nd birthday which was 2 days of fun.  We went on a hike and James tripped and cut his head on a rock.  I would be okay with never having another head wound in the family.  He is fine now.  Then we went to a lake and rented a kayak.   

We worked a little on reinforcing the culvert in anticipation/hope of a good monsoon season. 

We went to a rocket day at the library as well as a portable planetarium show which was neat. 

We decided that we should have our septic tank pumped since it hasn't been pumped in 30 years or so.  But the plumber couldn't find the septic without remodeling our bathroom so we spent the last 2 weeks digging random holes around and we finally located the tank on Friday night! What a relief!

We can't wait to see some or all of you in a week or so! Love you all!

Our bulk chicken waterer 

The birthday pinata

The birthday boy

Taking his arnica after hitting the rock

Our neighbor's country bucket truck.  He is welding while standing on a wooden pallet being held up on the backhoe's fork attachment...

Building rockets and lunar landers

Giant bubbles

Fishing for crawdads

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