Sunday, March 19, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello all! I have been the worst at writing on the blog! But I will try to do better!

Life is good here! It’s starting to warm up so we’ve been going on lots of walks and getting out of the house more which has been awesome. We’re starting our garden this week and are very excited about it!! Neither of us has a green thumb so pray for our poor plants. 

We celebrated Pi Day with banana cream pie, and St Patrick’s Day with corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, and pistachio pudding as well. It was awesome.

Stetson is just the best ever. Last we checked, he weighed about 12.5 pounds so he is growing very well 😂 he sleeps well, chats with us, smiles pretty much all day every day, and really is the chillest baby in the whole world. We love him! For anyone wondering, he is a type 1 😉 

Cam got a promotion at work which has been really great for him. The general manager found a different job, so she quit kind of suddenly, and Cam was by far the best replacement. He’s enjoying being a manager and really likes what he does. You’ll have to come visit so he can give you a good stretch! 

Being parents is so much fun! We’re absolutely in love with this little kid. He already has so much personality and I seriously can’t wait for you guys to meet him. You’ll love him!

This is what our Sundays look like now. Well. It’s kind of what all our days look like actually lol.

Oakley is still getting used to Stetson. She makes sure he’s okay when he’s fussy or when we get him out of his car seat, but other than that, she just pours a lot. But don’t worry. She is plenty spoiled with treats and love from everyone, even though she feels pretty abandoned.


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