Sunday, September 25, 2022

Hyde Happenings

 Wowza I’m the worst and writing in here! Life has been pretty busy for the last few months, so I’ll try to catch you up on the most important parts! 

We bought a house in Kentucky and both got jobs at the StretchZone. Cam is a manager and practitioner and I make phone calls all day :) Cam works full time and does all the consultations for the new clients and he really likes it. I love what I do and I’ve made lots of friends with the clients and practitioners which has been really fun. Oakley really likes her big house and backyard. Because we both work, she has to be in her kennel for about 4-5 hours a day. Before you think we’re abusive, don’t worry. She gets 3-4 walks a day because we feel so bad. She’s also getting fat because we give her way too many treats to make up for our abuse ;) she’s a spoiled puppy to say the very least.

Cam surprised me and took me to see Hamilton the other night which was so fun! Neither of us has gone to a Broadway and it was sooooo well done. Cam is always so thoughtful and does things that I love even when they’re not something he’s familiar with. He’s the best ever. 

Other than that, life is pretty normal. Baby boy loves kicking me all the time, but most particularly when I go to sleep or sit down. Or eat. Or try to relax. Ya know, the usual. It’s very fun to feel him kicking around! In case anyone was wondering, he’s as big as a rutabaga (whatever the heck that is), so that means he’s almost 2 pounds and just over a foot long.

Fall is on its way to Kentucky. It’s cooled off this weekend and looks like we won’t break 80’s again this year which will be nice! It’s been really hot so it’s been nice to have a cold front. We’re excited for the fall colors that are on their way! Kentucky is very lovely in the fall, if anyone wants to come see ;)

Anyway, love you all! Hope you have a great week!

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