Sunday, April 10, 2022

Manning Moments

 Things have been fun around here. We have been planting some cold crops and they are doing great. The boys each want their own garden section to take care of this year and I'm excited about that but it has been interesting so far. We got them some tools so that it would be easier but so far I have received a hole in my leg from a rake and a good whack on the back from a hoe. Then the lettuce got planted somewhere and I don't know where to water but hopefully they grow. Wesley pulled up a big weed and wanted to take care of it inside and it is thriving. So, I don't know if we will be taking care of veggies or weeds this year but it should be fun!

On Friday we got to take Em and Cam and Mom and Dad to the Ashton Gardens to see the tulips. It was so fun to hang out with them and the weather was lovely! 

Gus is charming everyone he meets. He has the cutest toothy smile and he loves to laugh. He recently learned that he can scream really loud and he enjoys doing that a lot!

The house hunt is not very fun and I think we'll stop doing it. But we still are trying to figure out addition choices. 

That's all for now! Love you!

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