Sunday, April 24, 2022

Hart Happenings

 Guys!!! It was a doozy of a week at the Hart house. It rained on Friday and I pretty much took two naps and read books all day. I was wiped out!

  Our homeschool co-op wrapped up their semester on Monday with a super

fun Showcase that Mom and Dad were able to attend since they were in the area headed to Star Valley. We loved it! Each class either performed something they had learned in their class or displayed something which was really great to see. We had a Chain Reaction video, science displays, some great art, and some Idaho history. Ruth’s choir performed some Rain and Shine songs which were a massive hit. She did such a great job with the choir this semester! 

  After that we headed straight to Pocatello for the first Spikeball match of the season  

  Tuesday and Wednesday were all hands on deck at one of our Airbnb houses. Alex has been remodeling and he was up against a deadline and sent out an SOS for reinforcements. His brothers and their wives, parents, nieces, nephews, and me and the boys all showed up and pushed through to get it all done. It looks great and is so nice to have wrapped up that massive project. 

  Thursday was a recovery day and reclaiming of our house and vehicles that had been neglected during the big remodeling push  it might take me a few more weeks to excavate my laundry room. *sigh*  Jack had a soccer game that night which they won handily.  If you guys want some good entertainment these days, watching Jack and his team play soccer is a real treat. Seriously, they are getting so good!

  Ian had performances of High School Musical 2 on Friday and Saturday which he nailed.  It was a great show with a really lovely cast and he met some wonderful people and got to reconnect with old friends  

  We miss the Saturday matinee because Peter and Jack both had 2 soccer games that day. Alex and I divided and conquered because Peter had to be in Rexburg at the exact same time as Jack had games in IF. It was cold. 

  Alex and I grabbed a quick dinner at a new restaurant in town to celebrate our anniversary. While we were there a server came up to us and told us that the people sitting at one of his tables had bough us a crème brûlée. We looked over and it was the son of our across-the-street neighbors on 12th st. Alex taught him in Young Men’s. But now he is all grown up and was there with his wife. It was so fun to see them and get an update on their life.

  After dinner we rushed to the theater to catch the final performance of Ian’s show and cheer our heads off. Ruth came too with Emerson and Addy and some of Addy’a friends. They are always so good to support him. 

  Anyway, I am looking forward to a more peaceful week and planting some stuff  as it looks like our cold weather is finally going to break and let the spring in.

  Hope all is well with you and that you will excuse our long absence from the blog. It was great to get caught up on everything we have missed the past few months. It was even better seeing most of you all in person recently though.

  We had a lovely visit over Easter weekend from Emma and Cam. They boys were super impressed by his rock climbing skills when we went to the climbing  gym for his birthday. Joe was so great to record Ian and a friend as a birthday surprise for her that he worked out with Ian. Thanks Joe! And visiting with Lauren, Jenn, and their littles, Emma, Mom and Dad when we got together for the surprise baby shower/birthday party was a highlight of my month for sure.

  Love you! Carry on!


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Nilsson News

 Well I guess it's the season for farm stories!  I absolutely love it when the kids really get to be involved.  We had two moms who were getting close to their foaling dates but just like people you never really know when things will take place.  Addy suggested that we lock the two in stalls in Friday night where they would be in a protected place and where we could watch them on the camera, mainly because the night was supposed to be really windy and cold.  I told Addy before going to bed that I really didn't think they would foal because their udders didn't seem very full and I wasn't able to express any milk.  Throughout the night, I checked on the camera on my phone but the mom's weren't showing any unusual behavior.  At 3:00 a.m. I looked on my phone again and there was a baby!  Garrett, Addy and I went out to the barn and guessed the foal to be about an hour old.  All seemed to be going as it should for which we are always grateful.

Garrett and I left for the temple at 6:30 that morning and I'd given Addy instructions to feed the animals and let the other mom out who hadn't foaled yet.  We had a good session though it was a little difficult to stay awake due to early events that morning.  Afterwards we ran to the grocery store.  Just as we were leaving, we got a call from Addy saying that the other donkey mom was foaling!  Eliza had gone out to see the new foal and discovered the other mom in the barnyard with the foal partly out!  She ran in to tell Addy, who called me for instructions, and when we arrived on the scene all of the kids were out there making sure everything was okay, which it was.  The wind was blowing like crazy so we transferred everyone to the warm barn.  This last foal was super tiny and fluffy and adorable!  The foals are both girls that we named Celia and Portia.  It has been an exciting time!  Next up are the two goats and then our spotted donkey, Ella, and then.....ME!

This is Portia, the foal born early in the morning.
This is Celia, the most adorable creature we've ever seen!  She's only about 18.5 inches tall.

In addition to foaling excitement, we finished cleaning up and hauling off the willow tree, cleaned out flower beds, hauled off the dirt pile in the front yard, tilled the garden, and thought of spring as we watched out our window the falling snow.  We've almost completed painting Addy's new bedroom and then we should be done with indoor projects.  There's always something happening around here!

Manning Moments

 Things have been fun around here. We have been planting some cold crops and they are doing great. The boys each want their own garden section to take care of this year and I'm excited about that but it has been interesting so far. We got them some tools so that it would be easier but so far I have received a hole in my leg from a rake and a good whack on the back from a hoe. Then the lettuce got planted somewhere and I don't know where to water but hopefully they grow. Wesley pulled up a big weed and wanted to take care of it inside and it is thriving. So, I don't know if we will be taking care of veggies or weeds this year but it should be fun!

On Friday we got to take Em and Cam and Mom and Dad to the Ashton Gardens to see the tulips. It was so fun to hang out with them and the weather was lovely! 

Gus is charming everyone he meets. He has the cutest toothy smile and he loves to laugh. He recently learned that he can scream really loud and he enjoys doing that a lot!

The house hunt is not very fun and I think we'll stop doing it. But we still are trying to figure out addition choices. 

That's all for now! Love you!

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Flake Fun

 This week has been challenging in the sleep department. With the exception of Scott, we all have runny noses and sore throats. That led to a couple of basically sleepless nights which are difficult to recover from. 

Saturday was a productive day though.  Scott worked on the shed some more and I planted trees (8 total), mopped the floor and put our pictures back up on our newly painted accent wall.