Sunday, February 20, 2022

Flake Fun


Rand made the FHE treat; white cake with chocolate frosting and fresh strawberries.

The new neighbors brought in 2 truck loads of sand and the kids love to play on them!

Our "snow storm" brought a whopping 1/4 inch but it was still fun to play in. 

The last month has been a fairly good one. We were a household of sickies for a couple of weeks and then were able to escape to Smithfield for a week which was a blast. It was good to see those of you that we saw.  

We had a couple of tiny overnight snows which the kids enjoyed. 

Scott has been busy with work and doing taxes.   He has a few new clients which is nice. 

The tenant in our Taylor house moved out and we put it on the market. Hopefully everything goes quickly and smoothly.

Hope that you all have a great week!

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