It has been a full and busy last few weeks. The week of fair was similar to the way I remember it from years growing up. Basically you live at the fair whether you have one animal or twenty. We jumped into the fair scene very late in the season, only joining in July. Addy decided to show Bumble and her new baby Betsy. It was just for fun and we honestly weren't even sure if the animals were good quality or not. Bumble is a spazzy goat and we were hoping she wouldn't go totally crazy in the show ring. She was not happy to be at the fair but Addy handled her very well. She ended up winning top in her class including the best udder in her age division. Baby Betsy was a favorite of the judge and placed second in her class. The judge asked to have a photo taken with Betsy to put on her Facebook page. It was a fun learning experience. Next year, we are hoping to put together a donkey class. I have to write up the rule-book and figure out all the class information and then present it to the extension office personnel. It's going to be a bit challenging since I have never even seen a donkey show! Thankfully, nobody knows anything about donkeys around here.
This last week, Addy was involved with Ian's play which was very time consuming. We went to the performances and were amazed at the talent of these young people. They put together everything - the set building, practices, costumes, programs and performing, all in two weeks time! The play was hysterical! I don't remember the last time I laughed through an entire production non-stop. I wish that all of you could have been there! We were glad that mom and dad were able to make it!
We have been enjoying some good garden goodies and some varmints have as well. We have set some traps but so far only caught a cat (they're varmints too, but I don't think it was the guilty culprit that has been attacking the corn).
Well, we are needing to finish a few last minute projects before the start of school in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to see all of you hopefully soon! And Emma, we need to hear your injured hand story! I'm sure you didn't mention it in your post because you were most likely typing with one hand!
Pictures will follow soon!
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