Sunday, August 22, 2021

Manning Madness

 It has been way too long since I wrote but we are alive and well! The big thing at our house is getting to know little Gus. He is one sweet, happy guy. He is smiling a lot and loves to grunt and talk as much as possible. He loves to suck his thumb and his brothers just adore him. My respect for Elise has always been way high but it grows each day! Our house is a mad house! I cannot believe the volume level and energy level around here.

So the boys move from one passion to the next. A few months ago the passion for alligators and crocodiles started and we had a mud puddle or two for catching alligators. Every string like substance became an alligator catcher including the strings from the rug! Well, that has died down slightly and we have moved into science experiments. Specifically explosions. We watched some Mark Rober videos to get away from the alligator videos and they particularly love the elephant toothpaste and Devil's toothpaste. So our mud puddle expanded to the whole yard because they are throwing water into our kitchen containers and seeing the explosion! They honestly did that for 6 hours a few days ago. But it is an obsession and we have run out of vinegar and soda a few times. 

Nick started teaching school this week and it has been very busy. It is always a little bit of a shock going  back but it is ok. I decided to start a little more organization with school like activities.  It has been pretty good but we have a lot of learning to do; mostly in the realm of human decency. Cute little people.

Well, we sure love you all and can't wait to see you soon!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Smithfield Scoop

 Mom has been very busy and apologizes for taking so long to contribute to the blog.  There have been lots of moms and babies to take care of - our own little "Gus Gus" being the most delightful experience of all!  Expectant moms and Covid are not a good combination, but things have calmed down a little bit as this post is being written.

The hot weather all summer has put a damper (or drier) on the garden and the lawn and lots of other things.  When it appeared like it would rain in the valley on a few occasions, the clouds would seem to split and bypass Smithfield.  In fact, we had some flooding in the northern and southern parts of Cache Valley, but very little rain in Smithfield.  Thankfully, there is enough water for now and we are healthy.

We have been happy to visit several of our families and enjoy any and all visits immensely.  And we are delighted whenever any of you are able to come to our place.

Emma and Cam are trying to teach us how to play pickleball and we have enjoyed that.  Yesterday, they came over and helped us prepare fresh corn for the freezer like we used to do in Hyde Park.  That was a delight and we were so grateful to get finished with the project in half the time it would have taken otherwise. We were very sad to have Emma and Cameron come after their rock climbing accident to see if we could help repair some of the damage - but it will definitely take time to mend her sad fingers!

We have enjoyed reading and reviewing family history material for our Family Matters Zoom meeting each week and we are grateful that you have taken the time to join us for those.  We hope the grandchildren are learning a few things about their wonderful heritage and that their hearts will continue turning to their fathers.

Dad has been making several batches of hummingbird food each week to keep the little feathered friends fed. There was an unhappy time when a flock of very beautiful but grumpy, stingy little guys flew into town and thought they owned the feeders and would attack any who came to receive refreshment! They have since moved on and peace has been restored, thankfully! One of these days, we may get some photos of them on the blog. 

This pretty little guy is the mean ringleader who would hide in a 
nearby tree, then dive in to attack any little bird who dared to try to get a drink. 
He didn't even stay on the feeder himself to get some food, but would 
simply keep everyone else from sipping. So silly and mean! Urrrrgggh!

We thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful production of "The Play That Went Wrong!" Everything about it was entirely delightful! The plot was fun, the acting was superb, the "wrong" things were hilarious, the supporting crew (Addy) was amazing, and it was overall such a great show! Thanks to Ian for writing and organizing and presenting a memorable, fun, exceptional play!

It has been lovely to take walks in the cool of the evenings, that seem warmer than usual. And to enjoy some amazing sunsets (in the north) from our windows and deck. We are content and at peace for the most part, most of the time. We love you all!!

                                                                First time fair showman

                                                           The Orangeglo melon- Yum!

The Monster!  73 pounds!

Happy 12th Birthday Emerson!

Nilsson News

 It has been a full and busy last few weeks.  The week of fair was similar to the way I remember it from years growing up.  Basically you live at the fair whether you have one animal or twenty.  We jumped into the fair scene very late in the season, only joining in July.  Addy decided to show Bumble and her new baby Betsy.  It was just for fun and we honestly weren't even sure if the animals were good quality or not.  Bumble is a spazzy goat and we were hoping she wouldn't go totally crazy in the show ring.  She was not happy to be at the fair but Addy handled her very well.  She ended up winning top in her class including the best udder in her age division.  Baby Betsy was a favorite of the judge and placed second in her class.  The judge asked to have a photo taken with Betsy to put on her Facebook page.  It was a fun learning experience.  Next year, we are hoping to put together a donkey class.  I have to write up the rule-book and figure out all the class information and then present it to the extension office personnel.  It's going to be a bit challenging since I have never even seen a donkey show!  Thankfully, nobody knows anything about donkeys around here.

This last week, Addy was involved with Ian's play which was very time consuming.  We went to the performances and were amazed at the talent of these young people.  They put together everything - the set building, practices, costumes, programs and performing, all in two weeks time!  The play was hysterical!  I don't remember the last time I laughed through an entire production non-stop.  I wish that all of you could have been there!  We were glad that mom and dad were able to make it!

We have been enjoying some good garden goodies and some varmints have as well.  We have set some traps but so far only caught a cat (they're varmints too, but I don't think it was the guilty culprit that has been attacking the corn).  

Well, we are needing to finish a few last minute projects before the start of school in a couple of weeks.  Can't wait to see all of you hopefully soon!  And Emma, we need to hear your injured hand story!  I'm sure you didn't mention it in your post because you were most likely typing with one hand!

Pictures will follow soon!

Hyde Holiday

 By holiday I mean summer, not anything more. We went to Kentucky for a month which was wonderful and very fun! I was able to work for most the time we were there and then we played one week by going zip lining, cave kayaking, hiking, and lots of lovely dives on gorgeous farm roads. Seriously y’all, Kentucky is gorgeous! Out of this world stunning. We need to do one big family road trip! 

Other than that not much going on over here :) we got to visit the Harts and Nilssons up in Idaho which was super fun! We played lots of spike ball and ate lots of yummy garden food. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone (hopefully) very soon! Love y’all! 

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Hart Happenings

 This week flew by!  It had a different feel from most of the weeks that pass at the Hart house.  The 2 big boys and Alex were gone camping for the week so it was just Peter and me passing time here at home.  The good news is we all survived!  Peter didn't die from loneliness or boredom, and everyone else survived YM camp (which really is a miracle, given some of the stories I've heard).

We got a surprise visit from Dad on Monday which was really fun.  It was a quick stop but we milked it and enjoyed his company while we had it!

Peter and I spent the week working on a special garden project which is coming along so well!  You'll have to come see it!  We also did all the things that Peter gets outvoted about like eating at Pizza Pie Cafe, watching the movies that he picked, and having a friend over every day.  It was his best week ever.

After the dust had settled a bit Alex and I snuck down to Utah for a quick getaway.  We picked up a climbing dome for the new garden space I mentioned earlier and stayed at a fun mansion in the Salt Lake Avenues that had been converted into a bed and breakfast.  It was lovely!

Ruth mentioned the rain which was absolutely glorious!  It was torrential at times with lightning and thunder and everything.  It was very dramatic and so fun to watch!

                                   An epic fort thought up by Peter and co-created by Emerson

                                                Set building for Ian's Play That Goes Wrong

                                                        Come Follow Me out on the deck

Flake Fun

 Wet is about the best word to describe the last couple of weeks.  I'm not complaining. It has rained nearly every day for the past several weeks which is awesome! The only downer is that I can't weed the garden so I'm going on faith that our plants are somewhere in the weed jungle!

We enjoyed the 24th celebration last weekend. The kids were mesmerized by the family rodeo and quite enjoyed the horses and calves that were running around.  Scott got pulled on to his 20 year class reunion float which was fun.  He was able to visit with a couple of people that he hasn't seen in a while.  

Scott flew to pick up his new old truck yesterday. It is a 4 door, long bed diesel monster. I'm not sure where we are going to park it but he is sure excited about it. He should be home in a couple of hours after a whirlwind of being in or through 4 states since 8:00 yesterday morning! 

Nilsson News

 I really can't believe that it is already August!  This summer has flown by!  The past couple of days we finally got rain!  When the younger kids woke up and saw they rain, they promptly went and put on their swimming suits.  However, they quickly discovered that rain in Idaho is cold and so they all put on their coats over their swim suits.  It was a funny sight to see! 

Emerson has enjoyed doing the junior golf club this summer and he is having fun golfing with his dad.  They found out very last minute that there was a junior golf competition so on his way out the door, Garrett asked me to call the golf course to see if there were any more tee-times available for the competition.  I called, made a reservation and asked what Emerson needed to bring.  They responded, "His clubs and a scorekeeper."  A scorekeeper?  Garrett was at work so the lot fell on me.  I know nothing about golf and have never even set foot on a course before.  Emerson was trying to explain various things about par but he wasn't totally clear on all the rules.  I got a few pointers from Garrett when we drove up to Rexburg to retrieve Emerson's clubs.  Well, we went to the competition and thankfully, we tee'd off with another kid and his experienced grandpa who helped me out in the rules and score keeping.  Emerson had a good time and I was kind of a sweaty mess.

Emerson and Garrett had a fun time at Young Men's camp and hiking the Palisades (running into the Hart's along the way).  Addy just returned from girls camp and had a very memorable time.  Garrett went up to help out with the river run down Big Springs.  It started off well but then the heavens opened with vengeance.  Thunder and lightening and sheets of rain.  They all pulled ashore because the lightening was so close.  Garrett was shocked through his paddle and one of the girls was dangling her legs in the water was shocked and her leg ended up being numb on one side.  The wind was blowing, the girls were wet and freezing (remember how the rain in Idaho is cold?), some were having panic attacks and crying.  It was a mess.  The only option was to keep going once the thunder and lightening stopped even thought it was still raining.  When they reached the end, our bishop was there to greet them with a smile.  He asked Garrett, "So ow was it?"  Garrett responded quite honestly, "Terrible actually."  They all survived with a lot of memories, even the leader who broke her arm in several places.

We have been spending a lot of time with the animals and out in the garden.  Our raspberries have exploded and we are picking buckets every day.  Beans, cucumbers, broccoli and tomatoes and even our very first watermelon of the season we have enjoyed!  We are looking forward to picking our jumbo melon and estimate that it is between 50-75 pounds and still growing strong!

This coming week is fair!  We finally made the plunge, a shallow plunge, but still a plunge.  Addy is showing a couple of her goats just to test the waters and we are hoping that next year we will have a full on donkey show.  Summer is great!

Grit league racing!
Our shaggy ragmuffin Ginger finally got a haircut!

All the babies
Addy and her friend Lilli, competed in the cupcake wars for 4-H and they got reserve champion!  Looking at the scores, the girls tied for first with another team.  The theme was Under the Sea and they had a blast.

Garden explosion!
Golfing pro
Henry loves to catch bugs and put them in jars.  He caught a caterpillar (cabbage moth) and put it in his jar.  It spun a chrysalis and hatched much to Henry's delight and Ruth's chagrin.