Sunday, October 21, 2018

Hart Happenings

In contrast to the snow they got in Snowflake (but what do you expect living in Snowflake?) we have been having a glorious Indian summer.  Not sure what that term means actually, but it has been sunshiny and warm and we have been trying to take advantage of what I am sure will be a short-lived scenario.  Bike rides, playing outside, yard projects, and hikes with Ruth and her kids.  It has been great!

Jack wrapped up his fall soccer season this week.  They won their last game which was fun to watch. He has been part of a really great team and we have made some really good friends with the other parents and families of his team mates.  And his coaches are fantastic!  Always so nice to come into contact with extra great people who are so willing to give of their time to help our boys develop skills and learn important lessons.

We enjoyed a trip to the museum this week.  It was so interesting to see the Steam Punk exhibit they have on display now.  Very futuristic and mechanical.

Ian is enjoying his band and has been excited to learn a few more positions on the trombone.  It is nice to hear him actually playing notes.  He has auditions for Newsies coming up next Tuesday and has been getting ready for that.

Peter has been focusing on reading and playing with friends.  He loves to be around people and would like to have friends over at all times!

Alex and I have been reading a lot about rituals and rhythms and have been working on creating some new ones in our family and strengthening some of the already existing ones.

It was lovely to see some of you at Chet's blessing!  What a cute baby!  What great parents he has!  We are always so grateful for any occasion that brings us into contact with our family.  We sure love all of you!

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