Monday, October 29, 2018

North Logan Notes

After reading Lauren's post, it appears the title is appropriate - Manning Madness!! It made me tired and more than a little grateful for the seeming boringness of our lives at the moment! Hang in there Mannings!

We were grateful that a mom and baby accommodated our wishes this week when baby finally decided to come on Thursday night (10 days late) so I could go to the family meeting/council in Springville with Dad. It really was a blessing to be there with everyone. All of Dad's siblings, with the exception of Kate, were there. There was a feeling of unity and support and gratitude and love that was beautiful and rich. Grandpa seemed to rally long enough to participate in the foundation meeting, and even traveled to Nephi to see the farm and Mt. Nebo, for what we suppose was the last time. He is very weak and failing. Dad is back down there today, sitting with him while Christi is gone. He, Dad, was able to give Grandpa a blessing while we were there, which I think was comforting and special. It's a difficult time, made sweeter by the love and support of children and grandchildren. He loves you all and is proud of your efforts to live the gospel and be good people. We will keep you updated on his situation.

We had a Regional Stake Conference broadcast yesterday, which was wonderful. Elder Ballard, Elder Curtis, Bishop Waddell and Sister Harkness all spoke from the Dee Events Center at Weber State. It was noisy there, but spirit filled where we were. We hope to fill you in on the details when we visit with you next.

Speaking of that, Dad and I hope to get a jump on the emphasis (really a re-emphasis) on family instruction by visiting each family one or two at a time and having a family council with you. We have had several things on our minds that we hope to share. We'll be in touch about that soon.

The weather here has been lovely lately, but I think we've seen the last of our 70 degree days, which we enjoyed on the weekend. The leaves are raining off the trees, which is breathtakingly beautiful! Love it! Dad took this photo of my very favorite tree in all of Cache Valley. It is always the most gorgeous thing in the fall - in front of our Hyde Park Stake Center.

Thinking of you all and loving you more every day!

Manning Madness

First of all, thanks to all of you who made the trip for Chet's blessing. It was so fun to have family over and to be supported that way. I know that those of you who couldn't make it would have come if you could!
This week was a little bit crazy! But crazy can be fun and it was a fun for sure. It was all Nick's fault I think because he expressed at the beginning of the week that he kind of felt like he was twiddling his thumbs wondering what an elders quorum president should do. Don't EVER think or say that! He has been doing lots of ministering interviews and presidency meetings but this week was a whole new level of service!
Monday night we had the elders quorum presidency and their families over for FHE and banana splits. It was a blast. Wesley was in heaven with all the attention and we got to know each other a little bit more. Nick gets to work with the cream of the crop! So fun! Well, while everyone was here for that, a brother came over for some help with big family issues. So Nick was out with him the rest of the evening. He was still trying to help that man the next day when Nick got a call for another family that needed some help getting their daughter to school because their car broke down and the girl has some challenges that complicate the matter. While Nick was making lots of phone calls for that, Wesley decided to get sick and he started throwing up everywhere. So Nick took the sad Chet and I tried to help Wesley. We had our ministering brother help give Wesley a blessing and he fell asleep for a little while. But then he woke up and threw up until about 11:30 that night. He didn't want to do it in a bowl, the toilet or the bathtub so the only reasonable place was the bed. Lots of laundry. The next day I was trying to get Wesley feeling better and Nick was able to stay home and help which was a blessing. That evening we learned about a family in the ward that got in a car accident so Nick went to visit them. The next day Nick was teaching guitar and I ran to the store with Wesley to pick something up for dinner. When I was done I got in the car and it wouldn't start. It was a low battery in those silly keys they make. I tried everything I could think of. Nick had visits in 30 minutes and Chet had just woke up hungry at the house. Nick tried to find a neighbor that could watch Chet while he came to see what he could do but the neighbors had pneumonia. I finally got the car started after I opened the door and it got the battery working again. The next day Nick's counselor 's wife had a baby. Happy day! The next day was Saturday and Nick remembered he was supposed to teach the lesson on Sunday! Sunday he got the assignment from the Bishop, "Brother so and so has a 'vote for prop 2' sign outside of his house. I want you to go correct that." Good thing Nick gets along with everybody. He is truly amazing and I think he knows what an elders quorum president can do!
I think we are all on the mend with stomach bugs and whatnot.
Chet is a trooper through everything this week. He is the cutest baby. He smiles and laughs and blows bubbles like a champ. We sure love him and can't wait for all of you to meet him!

Flake Fun

The last couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful for the most part.  After 2 weird little snow storms we are now experiencing beautiful fall weather.  We planted some winter rye as a cover crop for our garden and it is doing very well.  Somehow our tomatoes are holding on so we get a handful or two each week for snacking on. 

We had our first fall social in our new ward and it was lots of fun.  We are surrounded by good, fun-loving people. 

Anyway, that is about all that we have to report!  Hope everyone is enjoying beautiful fall weather.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

North Logan Notes

The past three weeks have been busy and delightful. We thoroughly enjoyed being with the family for Chet's baby blessing. All that fuss and fun for a sweet little baby who was totally oblivious to being the center of such attention!! Wesley was a bit overwhelmed at first with all the cousins vying for his attention, but after getting used to it, he was quite thrilled to have people to play with. It was so nice to visit for a while after things quieted down some. Dad took Elise and Joe and Ruth for a short visit to Grandpa's. He was glad to see them, but wasn't up to much in the way of visiting. His situation causes him some embarrassment as well as consternation, but he is always pleased to know his family loves and cares about him.

We returned to American Fork the Thursday after Chet's blessing to help out a little while Nick was gone to Las Vegas for another shooting class. We enjoyed playing with Wesley and holding Chet, working to get things "winterized" in the garden and doing basic stuff like bathing boys and grocery shopping that gets tricky with only one parent. We had commitments that took us home Friday night, but wish we could have stayed until Nick returned late on Saturday. We are still waiting to hear about his adventures (hopefully without flat tires or robbery this time), though we're sure he had a great adventure!

Our favorite thing from the past few weeks was helping at the "Loaves and Fishes" community dinner. I think some of you helped provide music for one of those dinners at one time. The program started out as an effort to provide meals for homeless and/or needy folks during the holidays. Then it progressed to a meal once a month for anyone in need. Now they serve a mid-day meal every first and third Saturdays to anyone in the community who wants to attend. This week we served chili and cornbread, salad and fruit and dessert to over 200 people. Most of them are needy people and they came back to get more food to take home or to take to sick or needy neighbors or friends or folks at the senior citizen center. They are always grateful and are glad to have a good meal and people to visit with. It was heart warming to see some younger people there helping carry plates for the shaky older folks. It is a wonderful project and very satisfying to participate. I would like to go on the Saturday before Thanksgiving to help with that meal. They typically serve over 400 people that day! But, that happens to be the weekend of Dad's YSA stake conference, so I'm quite sure we won't be helping out on that day.

We had a YSA group for FHE last night. The roads to our place were closed due to the pumpkin walk, so only 4 people made it. But we had a great visit with them and learned a lot of things about growing up with convert parents in New York and Florida. The church is sometimes run a little differently in those areas.

All of our efforts at finding a home have been interesting, but unproductive as yet. We did see a nice, brand new house today and spoke with the builder. It is still a ways out of our price range, but we may talk with him about building a different house for us - if we can find a lot...  We know there is a right time and a right place - or maybe several "right" places, or possibilities. Still trying to understand patience.

We are hoping to see all of you in the near future! We love you and are grateful you are involved in so many wonderful things. Our prayers continue for Jennifer. We are getting quite excited for her! Grant had a fall at the neighbor's and ended up with some stitches in his cheek :(  We hear it is beginning to heal nicely now. Emma is enjoying her new companion, but could still use some solid missionary opportunities, so we are praying for her, too. Thomas and Victoria moved last weekend to a new apartment - and signed a 14 month lease, so I guess they'll be in Houston for a little longer! We are praying for them to make some good friends and have some more wonderful opportunities. In fact, we constantly pray for all of you because we know how hard you are working to do all you can that is good and worthwhile! We love all of you and are so glad we are a family.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Hart Happenings

In contrast to the snow they got in Snowflake (but what do you expect living in Snowflake?) we have been having a glorious Indian summer.  Not sure what that term means actually, but it has been sunshiny and warm and we have been trying to take advantage of what I am sure will be a short-lived scenario.  Bike rides, playing outside, yard projects, and hikes with Ruth and her kids.  It has been great!

Jack wrapped up his fall soccer season this week.  They won their last game which was fun to watch. He has been part of a really great team and we have made some really good friends with the other parents and families of his team mates.  And his coaches are fantastic!  Always so nice to come into contact with extra great people who are so willing to give of their time to help our boys develop skills and learn important lessons.

We enjoyed a trip to the museum this week.  It was so interesting to see the Steam Punk exhibit they have on display now.  Very futuristic and mechanical.

Ian is enjoying his band and has been excited to learn a few more positions on the trombone.  It is nice to hear him actually playing notes.  He has auditions for Newsies coming up next Tuesday and has been getting ready for that.

Peter has been focusing on reading and playing with friends.  He loves to be around people and would like to have friends over at all times!

Alex and I have been reading a lot about rituals and rhythms and have been working on creating some new ones in our family and strengthening some of the already existing ones.

It was lovely to see some of you at Chet's blessing!  What a cute baby!  What great parents he has!  We are always so grateful for any occasion that brings us into contact with our family.  We sure love all of you!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Flake Fun

It was a pretty good week in Snowflake.  It was snowing lightly today on the way to work which was a little strange but oh well. 

This weekend we attended the Pinetop-Lakeside Balloon Festival.  It was the first year that they had done it and it was fun to be there.  There were only a handful of balloons but we actually got to get up close and talk to the pilots. 

We also completed our planter island!  There is only one section left and we are trying to decide if we want to plumb it for a small pond or fill it in and just plant stuff there.  More on that once we decide.

The other day we saw an incredible rainbow on the way to work.  The sun was just coming up and the higher the sun got, the more vivid the rainbow colors.  It was incredible.

I think that is about all that I have to report.  Hope that everything went well with Chet's blessing and that whoever was able to attend enjoyed good times with family and friends.

Love you all!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Freezing Flakes

Well, it is now officially cold in our neck of the woods.  It snowed.   My fingers are too cold to type much but there you have it!  I'll write more later!