21 Jan 2014 - I am excited about this family challenge! Hope all of you are too! Healthy lifestyles here we come!
For those of you who might be looking for some workouts, there is a website called Fitness Blender that has workouts you can watch online...or we have had some success with workout videos from the library. We usually laugh our way through them but we do get some exercise!
For those of you who have been asking about the bean recipe I gave it to Mom so she will have it if you have a bean emergency.
Anyway, enough of my ramblings! Love you all!
Oh Jenn! Alex and I have been laughing for about 5 minutes about your "bean emergency". I had one yesterday in fact but how you wrote it sounded so funny! In case of a bean emergency.....because those can strike at any time......:-) you're hilarious! Thanks for the beans.