Sunday, January 26, 2025

Flake Fun

It has been quite a week with freezing temperatures and boisterous winds. So we haven't gone out much.  

As far as the house goes, out neighbor battles the rock all week and finally found the end of it 20-30 get down the septic trench. So, if all goes well, the septic will be dug and inspected by the end of the week...  then the foundation fun can begin.  

We still don't have a concrete guy but we are working on it.  We still don't have a firm foundation plan since digging footers isn't really a feasible option anymore.  So we'll just have to wait and see what happens. 

One fun part of the week is that calving season has begun so little calves are popping up all over!

Some other fun pics from the week...

James asked for his training wheels to be removed and then didn't like it so he decided to put them back on by himself.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Flake Fun

 Well, I guess the best way to keep everyone updated on the build is to post progress pictures.  

This is our before picture taken on Thursday, Jan 16, 2025

On Thursday afternoon we started to see big machines arriving next door: an excavator, dump truck and water truck.  The next morning a gigantic loader appeared out of nowhere. We had gotten word that there was a contractor looking to dump dirt from a project so we had some huge piles of dirt arriving that day as well. 

There were 5 piles of dirt that same size out of the picture with another 2 loads delivered the next day.

Friday morning Greg (our neighbor and excavator guy) hit the ground running. 

Before he had gone too far he hit rock...and lots of it. 

The kids are thrilled to finally have their own piles of dirt to climb on. 

Yesterday the dirt hauling and hammering continued.  And it should continue tomorrow...

Hopefully there will be more updates next week.  Love you all!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Flake Fun

Well, our holiday season went by quickly.  I had a hard time feeling the Christmas spirit this year which was not a pleasant thing for me. I think that it was in part due to very warm (relatively speaking) temperatures and being distracted with the house preparations.  Hopefully it will be better next year.

We enjoyed spending the Christmas week up north.  The kids especially enjoyed the snow so thanks to Idaho for that. 

Roasting marshmallows for FHE

Putting drainage pipes in the field

Much nicer than digging by hand

Moving the cattle guards

Using the new wheelbarrow to mulch in the orchard

Favorite cousins

Playing "Don't Break the Ice" with Stetson 

Our nativity

A fine little Joseph

Still haven't figured this one out but they love to wear their coats backwards 

This pipe will hopefully turn into a big slide

Our neighbor was kind enough to load it for us


Applying sidewalk chalk "makeup"

Hope that you all have a good new year and that we see you again soon. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Smithfield Scoop

 Happy New Year, One and All!

It was nice to visit with most everyone during the holidays! We were very glad to have the Flakes here to celebrate Christmas with us. They got a little taste of a real live snowstorm after leaving Cache Valley and we were glad they got to spend time with the Belliston siblings. We were sad to miss out on all the fun up in Idaho, but rejoiced that most of our children were together! What a great way to end the year!

                                                                        Dad's favorite gift this year!

We had a lot of fun this year putting together and advent puzzle for Christmas. Usually, a 1000 piece puzzle is a bit intimidating. But this one was very doable and fun! We also enjoyed hunting for a tree this year. For some reason I thought that after all the children left home, Dad wouldn't be interested any more in going up in the mountains to cut a Christmas tree. But, he purchased a permit again this year and we finally found a day we could take an afternoon to run up and find a tree. It's still almost as fun as it's always been! We had a good time looking for and finding a suitable tree. While in pursuit of the perfect tree, we unexpectedly found a friend! A pleasant looking snowman. He helped mark where we had been to help us keep track of where our favorite trees were. There was a fish and wildlife guy up there doing surveys, so we helped him out and took a a half hour survey about our tree hunting adventures.

We have thoroughly enjoyed having Emma and Stetson with us for the past week or so since Cam left to take all of the Hyde belongings to Kentucky. Emma has been so kind to cook for us and it's been delightful to spend time with little Stetson. He is so pleasant most of the time. We are not sure we will be able to let them go once it's time. We are quite sad any time we think of them not being here in the valley - and once again not having any relations nearby. It's a rather lonely contemplation - so we choose not to think about it much and just enjoy the time we do get to be with them! 

Thanks to everyone for being willing to continue having our family matters gathering each Sunday. It is a highlight of our week to gather, even remotely, and talk and laugh together. Obviously, not everyone will be able to attend every time, but we love to see anyone who can come whenever you can. We look forward to continuing our "gatherings" for as long as we can.