Sunday, July 28, 2024

Flake Fun

Yes, this summer has flown by.  School is starting in Snowflake next week!  I think I'll copy Ruth and just caption some pictures about life these past several weeks. 

We visited Utah for Tarzan and the kids had a blast listening to Grandpa stories.

Scott worked lots on reinforcing the culvert and cementing heavy rocks around and on top of it.

My little fashion diva

Thinned carrots from the garden

Tilling circles for the orchard.  We are hoping to get some cover crops in to loosen and enrich the soil after the cousin reunion.

New chicken eggs! We love how small they are!

First time horseback riding for Robin and Rand's birthday.

We bought a little utility trailer.  Really nice to have around. 

Playing in the mud after the flood.

Our first real black eye.

The flood

Can't wait to see everyone at the reunion!

Nilsson News

 Wow, it looks like everyone is having a summer vacation from the blog!  I honestly don't know what to write so I'll just put up some pictures.  Can't wait to see most of you at the upcoming cousins reunion!

We enjoyed a reunion with the Nilsson side of the family at Bryce Canyon.  We went swimming, horseback/mule riding, bike riding, and or course gorgeous hiking.  The weather was hot but not nearly as hot as back at home.  Weird.

Henry always loves the car shows that come to town and the drag races!
The kids have been working the donkeys to get them ready for the fair! We are attempting to do "Coon jumping but some of the donkeys are more cooperative than others!

I finally met a donkey friend of mine in person.  Gail, lives in California and runs the GotDonkeys website.  She was travelling in Yellowstone and stopped by our place on her way back home.  It was delightful!
You can't keep this kid inside these days.  The boys got the go kart up and running when Garrett's parents were here to help.  Its a fun machine though it still has some quirks that need to be fixed.

We had one of our Blue Spruce trees removed in the front.  It was seriously damaged in one of our last snow storms so it was time for it to go.  It makes our front yard seem so huge!
It has been a good summer - a little on the hot side- but good.  I'm not sure how the time flies by so quickly so I'm trying to enjoy all that I can.  Hope you are doing the same!