Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello! It’s been awhile since I’ve written! It’s always so fun to see y’all’s posts… but it’s even more fun to see you guys in person and I’m so excited for this week for that reason!! :) can’t wait to see you guys. We got to see Joe and co. at the play this week which was awesome. 

This summer has been fairly busy already! A couple weeks ago we went up to Coeur d’Alene Idaho. It was pretty fun! Cams aunt and uncle own a really nice lake house up there and have jet skies and boats and all sorts of fun toys. Cams mom grew up in Coeur d’Alene and has lots of sisters that still live up there. We went out on the boat lots and played volleyball with Cams cousins. Cams younger siblings were all there with their fiancés and his mom and it was just generally a good time. Stetson slept about 0% of the time but that’s okay. A few days after we got home, we attended Lexi’s wedding in Bountiful. It was good times, except that the wedding itself lasted for 2 days. That was awful and it was blazing hot. But I always love a good wedding. 

So that just about brings you up to date! It’s really hot here now, and we just have a little window air conditioner. It gets up to 85° inside sometimes 😅 but seriously, don’t you miss the fun little college apartment phase? It’s pretty great I think, despite the heat. 

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!! 

The beginning of a very long car ride to Coeur d’Alene

First thing he does when we go somewhere new is locate all the balls. 

After locating the balls, he gives them a hug :)

Lots of morning workouts 

He’s got road rage 

Handsome boy

He got attached to this sprinkler one day

Lauren inspired me to try some charcuterie boards for Lexi’s bachelorette party

Don’t be deceived: he loved playing in the pool before the wedding 

Four generations

Wedding shenanigans 

He was happy to be home 

Pockets for the win 

His daddy loves America and is soooooo excited for the Fourth of July. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Flake Fun

First off, Happy Fathers day to all applicable parties.  You fellas amaze me. 

The last two weeks have been a wild ride! 

We had a small neighborhood bbq on Memorial Day.  The heart attack highlight was looking over and seeing James dangling from the monkey bars (approximately 7 ft high). He held on until I got there. 

Scott had his 42nd birthday which was 2 days of fun.  We went on a hike and James tripped and cut his head on a rock.  I would be okay with never having another head wound in the family.  He is fine now.  Then we went to a lake and rented a kayak.   

We worked a little on reinforcing the culvert in anticipation/hope of a good monsoon season. 

We went to a rocket day at the library as well as a portable planetarium show which was neat. 

We decided that we should have our septic tank pumped since it hasn't been pumped in 30 years or so.  But the plumber couldn't find the septic without remodeling our bathroom so we spent the last 2 weeks digging random holes around and we finally located the tank on Friday night! What a relief!

We can't wait to see some or all of you in a week or so! Love you all!

Our bulk chicken waterer 

The birthday pinata

The birthday boy

Taking his arnica after hitting the rock

Our neighbor's country bucket truck.  He is welding while standing on a wooden pallet being held up on the backhoe's fork attachment...

Building rockets and lunar landers

Giant bubbles

Fishing for crawdads

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Flake Fun

What a crazy couple of weeks it has been.  The weather has been super windy and my allergies have been going crazy.  

The three highlights or events of the weeks were: 

We built a small raised bed strawberry box. They just won't grow in ground here! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the wind doesn't kill them.

James had 2 teeth removed by the dentist after smashing his mouth a few times too many.  He was a trooper through the whole ordeal and he is still smiling. 

The kids did a color run this weekend and had a blast. 

Love you all! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello hello! This week was pretty great. Like most weeks it had its ups and downs, but it was still great. Stetson is just hilarious these days. He has these obsessions and I’ve never met a 1 year old more persistent than he is. He also has the best memory ever. It’s almost weird how good it is.

 Anyway. I did quite a lot of baking this week which always does my soul good and my wallet less good. I made some blackberry freezer jam that is now syrup (any suggestions on this?…), meringue Eton mess, and a copycat recipe for those frosted circus animal crackers. Those were awesome actually. I got the cutest cookie cutters and they tasted really similar to the real deal! I was really happy with the way they turned out. Then all the cake making got to my head and Cam and I finished off the week with a bake off: cakes. He chose to do a better than anything cake and I went with a classic carrot cake. His was the clear winner! I was super impressed that he was able to actually make the cake soggy even when it was stacked! The carrot cake was pretty good! I’ve been fascinated by buttercream painted flowers lately (look them up- they’re incredible) so I tried to replicate it and honestly it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be 😂 my colors weren’t my favorite but now I know for next time :) 

We also got to go to the Layton temple open house which was so great. Mom and dad and Yanny and her kiddos went too and it was really awesome. The temple was huge and oh so gorgeous. Cam was especially taken with the stained glass and I loved the nature paintings. Stetson liked the fountain outside the best I think. It was super fun to spend some time with Yanny and play with her cute kiddos. Stetson is not a huge fan of Jane… well, that’s not true. He loves babies. Adores them actually. But I made the mistake of holding Jane and oh boy. That was not the right thing to do. I picked her up and he immediately said “all done” and began reaching for me and trying to push Jane out of my arms. The next time I tried to hold her he burst into tears, so Cam took her and, well, I guess you guys probably know how that ended 😂 there were lots of tears and “all dones” involved. I guess Stetson will just have to be an only child 🤷🏼‍♀️

If anyone wants to go camping, hiking, or rock climbing this summer, let us know! We’ve got the itch but it’s a lot more fun when there are other people around :) Cam really wants to do a lot of climbing, but it’s very difficult with Stetson around so if anyone wants to play with a really cute kid for a couple hours, let me know 😅 love you all! Can’t wait to see you in a few weeks! 

Big fan of the puppies 

Just hanging out with his great grandpa Hyde. He raises peacocks and chickens and Stetson was pretty enamored with both 

Animal crackers! There were T-Rex shapes, cactuses, llamas, elephants, dogs, bunnies, and long necks. SO CUTE. 

“So big!”

He loves his grandpa 

He climbed into his chair and requested that alllllll of his balls be brought to him 😂 then he just grinned and grinned. I adore him

The master at work

Getting our hiking game on 

Why is throwing rocks in water so therapeutic??! I love it