Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Growing gratitude

This activity was inspired by Jenn's thankful list but because nothing here is growing (lucky Jenn, grateful for her fresh cucumbers. Grumble, grumble) we had to paint a tree. 
Then we put leaves on it. On each leaf we put things we were thankful for. Some contributions included: singing class, feet, washing machines, Thanksgiving, families, our house, a job we love.....it's a work in progress and we keep adding as the gratitude grabs us.
  Mostly we're thankful for all of you guys. Can't wait to see you all!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Boys at Grandma's

While parents were tripping in Thailand, the Hart boys were having a great time in Hyde Park.  Below is the evidence.


So we are going to add some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Your baby sister earned her Young Womanhood Recognition and received her medallion this last week.  Isn't she just beautiful!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy Birthday

20 November 2013 - Happy birthday to Joseph & Hyrum.  Take this day to cuddle a little bit extra with your precious children & remember how grateful you are to have them with you.  Be grateful for the wonderful plan of salvation that links us together as families for eternity. 

Monday, November 18, 2013


18 Nov. 2013 - I am grateful for:

#1 - the new "Scott Flake - Accountant" pop up on my work contacts
#2 - fresh cucumbers from the greenhouse garden
#3 - beautiful sunrises
#4 - a piano
#5 - comfortable shoes that keep my toes warm

What are you grateful for?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hart Halloween 2013

Jack was the best Alien in the universe and Ian was by far the real Tin Tin and Peter was a giraffe. He loved his tail.  Peter also showed us all a thing or two on how to trick or treat, (without reservation). Jack outlasted everyone. We collected lots of candy and then promptly sold it to the dentist. (After the daddy candy tax was enforced of course)

A Taste of Thailand

 One leg of our 30 hour plane ride! Peter was a superstar!
 Breakfast anyone?
 Local morgue!
 Our new favorite game!
 The boat ride out to the Islands.
 Ocean Kayaking....Awesome!!!
 The bamboo walkway to our hotel room on the beach.
 Big Buddah! And they mean BIG.
 Peter's all-time favorite way to golf.  Soccer Golf.
 And the winner is....Yeah!!!!!
 Spirit houses. Elise loves these.
 Our last night there. The view from our restaurant.
The Thai version of Lagoona beach....
 The hike to the Lagoon.
 Not a bad place to be stranded for 3 hours.
 I would eat these every day. Mango shakes.
 Someone forgot to tell us October was their rainy season.

 This is us on an elephant.
 They dance for money!
 Oh boy....not fun!
 Here kitty kitty kitty.
Don't feed the animal,
 Don't leave home without one,
 Rice fields in the mountains.
The district president and his wife, also the worlds best tour guides.  Peter's favorite "Tiger"

Jumping For Joy!

Most of you probably already heard but Scott was offered a job with Navajo County's finance department.  He will be starting on November 18 and will be...accounting I guess!  We'll know more when he starts.  We are both really excited and will let everyone know what our Thanksgiving plans are as soon as we can solidify them.